Lick Wash
Lick Wash
Vaughan climbing a tree - sort of - in Lick Wash
Our next stop was Bull Valley Gorge. The road was only wide enough for one car to drive over at this spot. I took this picture out of my window - a very long drop.
Bull Valley Gorge
Our next hike was Willis Creek. This was through some really interesting slots canyons with a small creek running through it.
Willis Creek
Willis Creek
Willis Creek - I can't imagine this will remain up there much longer.
Willis Creek
We then reached the top of the mountain and were rewarded with the following views of the valley.
Below is Grosvernors Arch - pretty cool.
You never know what you'll find around each corner. There were about 50 cows being herded by about 8 cowboys down the middle of the road. We has to just sit and wait until they all passed.
We joined Jeff & Linda for dinner at the Rocking V and then crashed once again.
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