Monday, March 26, 2012

Spring 2012: Sunday (3/25) – Negro Bill Canyon

Yes, the actual name of the canyon is Negro Bill – named for a black prospector and rancher who grazed his cattle there during the late 1800s.  It was about 5 miles round trip crossing over a small stream in a number of places - Vaughan got one foot soaked.

At the end of the trail is Morning Glory Natural Bridge which is the sixth largest natural bridge in the United States spanning 243 feet.  It was an amazing sight.  One young couple had just repelled down from the top.

One of the caves along the trail.

You have to cross this stream in a number of places - some much wider than this. 

This is Morning Glory from a distance.

This is standing directly under Morning Glory.

Can you see the small cave in the middle of this rock.  Below is a close up.

Looks like an eagles nest in there.


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