Tuesday, March 31, 2015

2015-03-31 Tusher Tunnel, Dino Trail & Onion Creek

The road to Tusher Tunnel was fairly simple - long stretched of rocky road and then long stretches of deep sand road.  At the end we were rewarded with this awesome tunnel.  It was just tall enough to stand up but long enough so that when you got to the middle it was fairly dark.  

This is just inside the entry.

and a little further in with a camera flash ,,,

then without the flash nearing the opening.

Finally at the very end

Here is what the other side looks like.

This is what the entry looked like heading back through.

Our next drive was called Dino Trail.  A short hike along rock walls shows you numerous dinosaur bones embedded in the rock.  They believe this was a tail vertebrae.  I took lots of other pictures but don't want to bore you too badly.  They are more impressive in person.

Off in the distance the spires in the middle of the photo are called Determination Towers.

We then drove out to Onion Creek.

This is Fisher Towers - this spot is famous for rock climbing.  

You cross the creek 33 times through this canyon.  
Vaughan hates getting the Jeep muddy (first thing back in town was a car wash)

I am always amazed at the rock formations - how do these stand?

It was a beautiful canyon - still cliffs in spots but I guess I'm getting used to that by now.

Once back to town, and after the car wash we drove south of Moab to Hole in the Rock.
Notice the Jeep on top.  I have no idea how they got it up there.  
I bet it's easier to get it down if you don't care about the condition.

1 comment:

  1. I love the Onion Creek trail...one we have taken several times!
